The show includes LIVE coaching sessions followed by interviews with those from all walks of life. This podcast is a home for survivors like myself, and those who want to find meaning in the ”why?” As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, Syndicated Columnist, and Stage 3 cancer survivor who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.

Friday Dec 30, 2022
S3:E40. The One Who Is Willing To Give Vulnerability A Dance
Friday Dec 30, 2022
Friday Dec 30, 2022
"When I think about this idea of resilience story, I thought about my own experience with that and what it felt like and what it felt like for me was to walk around with this idea that we've got this imaginary piece of paper rolled up. And yet we're careful not to take it out and show it to anyone. And it says, people would think I was crazy if they knew. We don't get it out. We don't show anyone. And what it is for so many of us is it's our resilient story." - Dr. Taryn Marie Stejskal, Resilience Expert, Coach, and Keynote Speaker
• "People would think I'm crazy if they knew"
• "Many of our resilient stories are the stories we most don't want to tell"
• "The faster we get back to something doesn't mean we've been more or less resilient"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/Rrj9H17b5OU
Follow Taryn Marie: www.resilience-leadership.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Taryn Marie: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-dr-taryn-marie-of-resilience-leadership-institute-on-the-five-things-you-19dc6cd9fe3b
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
S3:E39. The One Where Leadership Takes A Mental Health Break
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
Tuesday Dec 27, 2022
"That's probably one of the biggest things of the leadership trait, to be self-aware. To know your own strengths and your own weaknesses. But the idea of knowing what triggers you when you're in a stressful environment. To understand what those triggers were and how do you then cope with that? And then the last one that kind of relates to relationships and that is staying connected." - Mike LeFever, CEO of Concentric and Retired Vice Admiral of the United States
• "There's phases to a crisis"
• "You can eat the elephant, but you got to take it a bite at a time"
• "We have a problem of truth decay"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/Sy7SF4HxOOQ
Follow Mike: www.concentric.io
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Mike: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-mike-lefever-of-concentric-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-61d78a1a6c6b
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
S3:E38. The One Facing Fears While Pivoting
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
Tuesday Dec 20, 2022
"You can be naturally courageous and not the most resilient and vice versa...you have one foot grounded and the other foot can move in any position at any time, which I think is so beautiful because we have these roots and these parts of us that are always going to be there, but we can choose what direction we want our life to go in. And like I said, it makes it a little bit more fun and less scary when you see it as pivoting and not change or you know, horrible things happening to you." - Monica Ortega, CEO and Travel Host
• "You're so present in those moments when your fear kicks in"
• "If you're not happy, change like it. Nothing's permanent"
• "If I don't like who I am, that's a pretty good indication that I'm not going in the right direction"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/7oOIlrQf-HM
Follow Monica: www.monicajortega.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Monica: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-monica-ortega-of-pivoting-productions-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-49e438b8b9d7
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Dec 18, 2022
S3:E37. The One Whose Craving For Courage Led To Her Calm
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
Sunday Dec 18, 2022
"I think it's really easy to be grateful when things are working. And it's another thing when things aren't working for you to still be in that state of gratitude. And I did mention the part about our brains having this negativity bias, and it's because we're wired for survival and so when things aren't working, we're going to keep looking for problems. Whereas when we're in a state of gratitude and focusing on opportunity and solution, that actually takes you out of that problem mindset." - Dr. Cindy Tsai, TEDx Speaker, Author, Physician and Coach
• "Shy introvert with a good girl syndrome"
• "Courage is like that healthy snack to keep you going, while resilience is like the map to actually help guide your way"
• "You either get the results you wanted or the lessons you needed"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/YGDhQkDLdy4
Follow Cindy: www.cindytsaimd.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Cindy: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-dr-cindy-tsai-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-resilient-bc784fd36628
Watch Cindy's TEDx Talk on "Body Intelligence:" youtube.com/watch?v=45Mip2dTZpI
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
S3:E36. The One Wired To Be An Optimist
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
Tuesday Dec 06, 2022
"A lot of people don't practice resilience when things are going well. Because it's not until things go bad, because our definition of resilience is the ability to bounce back, but the definition of resilience in HeartMath terms is to prepare for, react to, and shift in the face of stress. And so how do you prepare for anything? You practice it on a daily basis. You don't wait until you get sick." - Andrea Trank, Health Coach, Trainer, and Yoga Teacher
• "All you can control is what goes on here and here"
• "The fear is what makes us sick more than anything else"
• "It's like keeping your internal battery charged...recognize, acknowledge, investigate, nourish, and nurture"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/GtRRsCeyTJM
Follow Andrea: heavenlanecreations.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Andrea: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-andrea-trank-of-heaven-lane-healing-creative-arts-on-the-five-things-758037721d57
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Nov 27, 2022
S3:E35. The One Who Found Joy After Experiencing Despair
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
Sunday Nov 27, 2022
"I still have issues with abandonment as an adult and as a kid, I turned to my education because I figured, well, maybe if I was smart enough, my mom would love me more than she loved drugs. And I think that it helped me because it helped me become a physician because I turned into essentially, an academic student. And as far as that big aha moment to where I realized, well, maybe it's not them. Maybe it's me." - Dr. Tiffanie Tate Moore, Physician and Author
• "It was after I was told that I was going to be medically retired, I fell into a depression"
• "Failure is a first attempt in learning. If numbers are infinite, attempts are infinite and you can continue to try"
• "Maybe if I was smart enough, my mom would love me more than she loved drugs"
Video podcast interview:
Follow Tiffanie: facebook.com/DrTiffanieTateMoore
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Tiffanie: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-dr-tiffanie-tate-moore-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-c9c633de9d4f
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Nov 20, 2022
S3:E34. The One Leading Others Through Their Trauma
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
Sunday Nov 20, 2022
"If you know you have your support...someone who knows the intimate details of your life and you know there's no ulterior motives and that they're a 100% on your side, then it frees up so much of your mental energy to focus on accomplishing your objectives. And I think if you're lining up your support early on, it really puts you ahead of the pack." - Nick Prefontaine, Keynote Speaker, Author, and CEO of Common Goal
• "In order for anyone to achieve your limitless potential...you first have get to the other side of whatever it is you're dealing with"
• "We often know what the right answer is and we often know what the right thing to do is"
• "If you just take one step, no matter how small, the next step will always be available to you"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/_fN1QaSKnyA
Follow Nick: nickprefontaine.com
Articles in Authority Magazine featuring Nick: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-nick-prefontaine-of-common-goal-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-c1c6ed2d30d0, medium.com/authority-magazine/nick-prefontaine-of-common-goal-on-becoming-free-from-the-fear-of-failure-23d04ba4cab
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Nov 13, 2022
S3:E33. The One Who Never Lost That Magical Thinking
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
Sunday Nov 13, 2022
"I would get in those sessions with people and then I would focus in, focus on them, and I just felt transported. So that's when I began to know, boy there's really something about taking what's happening with you and rather than just sort of collapsing. So, I think both gratitude and giving to others are some of the best ways that you can really heal and also feel that sense of resilience within." - Cheryl Krauter, Psychotherapist, Author and Speaker
• "It's meaningful to feel like no matter what's happening, I don't have to collapse"
• "I think vulnerability is a superpower and people that can be in their own vulnerability are remarkably resilient"
• "I encourage people never to lose magical thinking...to keep that sense of wonder and curiosity"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/62hUktkMZKE
Follow Cheryl: www.cherylkrauter.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Cheryl: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-cheryl-krauter-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-resilient-648053ef97c8
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
S3:E32. The One Who Is Comfortable In The Unknown
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
"It was this mindset that you should be able to kind of go out into the world and try a bunch of different things. But once you find something really that you truly love...focus 100% of your attention onto that. Because I think if you want to excel in any industry, it's an uphill battle and it's a climb. And grit I think is something that is probably one of the most important things." - Siwat Siengsanaoh, Entrepreneur and Co-founder of Recoup Beverage, Inc.
• "I've always looked as a child as the world as a playground"
• "Can I be the person to create those things...to make people's lives better"
• "I learned that those processes of creating things is really what I enjoy the most"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/-tb7hUfcTCc
Follow Siwat: www.recoupwellness.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Siwat: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-siwat-siengsanaoh-of-recoup-beverage-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-a8272b31caa7
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Monday Oct 31, 2022
S3:E31. The One Whose Brain Works Differently
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
"You have to own your own story to be resilient. I've had Tourette tics since I was nine. I'm 61, so I've been ticing for 52 years. I got picked on a lot. I got bullied a lot. I still am a pretty big introvert to these days, but as life goes on and you try to integrate into a ticing person into a non-ticing world." - Jerry Gidner, Director of the Bureau of Trust Funds Administration and Board Member of Tics and Tourette Across the Globe
• "People who love you regardless of who or what you are"
• "I can't run away from it. I can't make it go away. I can't hide from it"
• "You either let it destroy you or you let it strengthen you"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/PG-LplNwmQ4
Follow Jerry: jerrygidner.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Jerry: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-jerry-gidner-of-the-tourette-association-of-america-on-the-five-things-35c50f0cb8df
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Oct 23, 2022
S3:E30. The One Who Balances Strategy With Strength
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
Sunday Oct 23, 2022
"What the research shows is that people who act as though they're self-disciplined actually have found a good strategy. That's more important than any personal strength. Psychologists have been able to teach children who didn't show self-discipline, who didn't show an ability to delay gratification have been able to teach them strategies that allowed them to do that and then they acquire that knowledge. Oh yeah, I can do that. Oh yeah, I found now the strategy. And it changes everything." - Dr. John Tholen, Retired Clinical Psychologist and Author
• "The greatest power we have is to change how we feel and what we do"
• "Helplessness and hopelessness doesn't help anyone"
• "Find a way to talk about the ways we're alike rather than the ways we are different"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/fV_mS229zEM
Follow John: focusedpositivity.net
Article in Authority Magazine featuring John: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-author-dr-john-tholen-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-63e9841f5c37
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Oct 16, 2022
S3:E29. The One Who Is Sporting Her Purpose
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
Sunday Oct 16, 2022
"I love standing up for people. I love protecting people. And so having that dream at such a young age and now having accomplished that is something that is so amazing. Because when we are children, we're fearless. There were so many other things throughout my life and even as a child that I did want to do that I didn't have the opportunity to do until later in life because I listened to other people. But that one thing, I was like, no, this is mine." -- Sivonnia DeBarros, Attorney, Author, and Podcaster
• "Important aspect of mind shifting that needed to done"
• "If you don't want to open a door..I'll just open a window"
• "Where you going does not have to look like where you started"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/Pv1sqtr8Xmg
Follow Sivonnia: www.sldebarros.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Sivonnia: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-sivonnia-debarros-of-sl-debarros-law-firm-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-80aa53fa0c16
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Monday Oct 10, 2022
S3:E28. The One Who Builds Kindness Into Their Universe
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
"Being in music it's very cutthroat. And so what I did was essentially focus on my own path. And I think part of that growing in sort of leaving bad energy behind was actually being more comfortable with myself. I think I lacked self confidence through quite a lot of my life and that played out in various ways...it's like I kind of lived my life on everyone else's terms. And now I kind of live life on my terms." - Viren Chitroda (Kingdumb), Music Producer and DJ
• "Life is essentially a series of tests"
• "Surrounding yourself with the kind of energy that makes you feel good"
• "You need to look at yourself in the mirror and say, well what part did I play in this"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/R7cRnRz4sHE
Follow Kingdumb: www.kingdumb.co.uk
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Kingdumb: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-kingdumb-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-resilient-during-e4871fd4a3c7
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
Peruse my syndicated column:
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Sunday Oct 02, 2022
S3:E27. The One Where Fear Is A Direction To Grow Towards
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
Sunday Oct 02, 2022
"My family had experienced the results of gang violence. My father was incarcerated at a young age. My grandfather passed away really young. And so I saw the women in my family really developed this strong sense faith and a strong sense of inner power. My grandmother was in town visiting me and I said to her, Grandma, you've been through so much. How did you get through it all? And she says, 'I never complained.'" - Sakina Ibrahim, Artist, Author, and Wellness Advocate
• Compassion is one of the gifts that God gave me...and knowing that I would need it"
• "Do you not realize that can be you tomorrow"
• "You have to will yourself through doors...you have to just fight for opportunities"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/Frq5wKSiDAM
Follow Sakina: www.sakinaibrahim.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Sakina: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-sakina-ibrahim-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-resilient-3f4729ce2c59
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
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Sunday Sep 25, 2022
S3:E26. The One Who Prayed With His Legs
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
Sunday Sep 25, 2022
"So when we're in pain, we have a tendency to focus on ourselves more than is helpful or healthy. When you have something bigger than yourself like I found myself having, it lifted me up out of my own backside so to speak and be able to have a higher perspective on what was actually going on." - Dar Dixon, Actor, Producer, and Director
• "It's so critical to be able to laugh at the situation and laugh at yourself"
• "When you have something that's bigger than yourself...it takes all that focus off of yourself"
• "There's a really fine line between fear and excitement"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/arOo0TLr_x8
Follow Dar: dardixon.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Dar: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-dar-dixon-of-ddb-productions-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-f25b069b4c83
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Sep 18, 2022
S3:E25. The One Living Up To That Thick-Skinned Confidence
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
Sunday Sep 18, 2022
"Many people feel in some way feel that they are responsible for their cancer...that there was something that they did — they didn't get diagnosed, they didn't pay attention to their body well enough. There's a lot of internal stuff that goes on...I'm trying to get to the bottom of well why do people feel this way?" - Cynthia Hayes, Author, Mentor, Speaker, and Cancer Survivor
• "We have no way of knowing what the overall life plan is. So take a moment at a time"
• "To get on to live the next day, and do other things to help other people"
• "We don't really have control. Control over our lives is an illusion"
Follow Cynthia: thebigordeal.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Cynthia: medium.com/authority-magazine/author-cynthia-hayes-i-survived-cancer-and-here-is-how-i-did-it-1327f80c6290
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
Peruse my syndicated column:
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Sunday Sep 11, 2022
S3:E24. The One Pulling Wisdom From The Cookie Jar
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
Sunday Sep 11, 2022
"My father...he did the best with what he knew at the time told me to man up at six years old. What does it even mean to a six year old boy back in 1990? So I inherited this story of okay, whatever I do, it's never gonna be enough. So I need to create an event that tells people that I am enough." - George Kalantzis, Coach, Author, and Content Marketer
• "Every choice you make, comes with a consequence"
• "Most females file for divorce...I filed for divorce"
• "I looked in the mirror and I couldn't recognize who I was...when was the last time you said I love you to yourself"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/r_UJcGPkxc8
Follow George: theartoftoughtransitions.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring George: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-george-kalantzis-of-the-art-of-tough-transitions-on-the-five-things-you-9ad877a5e209
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Monday Sep 05, 2022
S3:E23. The One Striving For Boundaries
Monday Sep 05, 2022
Monday Sep 05, 2022
"If I just trust my intuition that it will tell me what those boundaries are. My intuition will always tell me when my boundaries are being violated, and I should listen to it....I know what it is. Even though I am telling you now that I don't know what it is. I always know when it happens, but I try to deny it." - Tina Marie Romero, Business Owner and Breast Cancer Survivor
• "It was difficult for me to understand there are boundaries because I never had any"
• "I think I was trying to look for authority that would tell me when to stop"
• "It is my responsibility to do that. No one else. People will try to push as far as they can"
Follow Tina: www.synergyhomecare.com/nj-piscataway-08854
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Tina: medium.com/authority-magazine/tina-marie-romero-of-synergy-homecare-i-survived-cancer-and-here-is-how-i-did-it-9e53b3bcaef6
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Sunday Aug 28, 2022
S3:E22. The One Who Embodies Self-Compassion
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
Sunday Aug 28, 2022
"Usually people are like, oh my God, I treat myself so differently. So with self-compassion we are treating ourselves like a good friend. So there's three elements to self-compassion. The first is being kind, rather than judgmental. The next piece is common humanity. Understanding that everybody makes mistakes. We all fail. The third piece is mindfulness. You are aware when you're struggling." - Dr. Ellen Albertson, Psychologist, Coach, Author, and Radio Host
• "Now I just start with self-love and everything unfolds from there"
• "When the caterpillar becomes the butterfly, it literally digests itself. Transformation is messy"
• "When we start with self-loathing it's like we have this backpack that is filled with not enough — not good enough, not smart enough, not thin enough"
Video podcast interview: youtu.be/waClGI3finE
Follow Ellen: themidlifewhisperer.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Ellen: medium.com/authority-magazine/rising-through-resilience-dr-ellen-albertson-on-the-five-things-you-can-do-to-become-more-resilien-b15df7227dd2
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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Monday Aug 22, 2022
S3:E21. The One Who Seeks To Be Seen And Heard
Monday Aug 22, 2022
Monday Aug 22, 2022
"I wish I heard - I see you, I hear you. You mean so much to me. You're important. I forgave my parents a long time ago because they did the best they could just like every parent. The first thing I say to a cancer patient that comes and speaks to me that they've been first diagnosed is - forgive your past and heal any resentments that you have." - Carmelina Baccari, Medical Tattoo Specialist and Breast Cancer Survivor
• "You can do this work but it doesn't mean it's gone. You're never fixed"
• "We are all imperfectly perfect"
• "How I made them feel, not what I gave them"
Follow Carmelina: www.carmelinabaccari.com
Article in Authority Magazine featuring Carmelina: medium.com/authority-magazine/carmelina-baccari-i-survived-cancer-and-here-is-how-i-did-it-f7a1d26ac2d0
I believe life speaks to us in different ways. Many of us listen, but don't know how or where to begin. As someone who has crossed the bridge between life and death, I say simply begin where you are now and get busy living.
About Me:
I've been seeking answers to some of life's most perplexing questions my entire life. In 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 3 Cancer, and ever since, I realized my calling existed outside of what I knew to be familiar. As a Board Certified Wellness Coach, #1 Best-selling Author, and Syndicated Columnist, my job is to ask the deep questions of those trying to make sense of their place in this fractured world. I created this podcast as a home for survivors like myself, and those who yearn to build resilience in their mindset and live their best life.
For 1-on-1 private coaching from Savio:
Buy the book "I Survived Cancer and Here Is How I Did It: 35 Cancer Survivors Share Their Journey"
Join my Weekly Newsletter and receive weekly tips on how to feed your "three brains" - head, heart, and gut:
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